Rankings by Total Assets
Rank | Profile | Total Assets | Type | Region |
1. | Federal Reserve System | $7,866,664,000,000 | Central Bank | North America |
2. | Bank of Japan | $5,156,691,776,599 | Central Bank | Asia |
3. | People's Bank of China | $5,144,760,000,000 | Central Bank | Asia |
4. | Deutsche Bundesbank | $2,684,748,269,640 | Central Bank | Europe |
5. | Bank of France | $2,306,543,661,200 | Central Bank | Europe |
6. | Bank of Italy | $1,552,899,487,941 | Central Bank | Europe |
7. | Bank of Spain | $1,329,329,625,660 | Central Bank | Europe |
8. | Bank of England | $1,291,640,000,000 | Central Bank | Europe |
9. | Swiss National Bank | $1,037,145,564,215 | Central Bank | Europe |
10. | Reserve Bank of India | $818,333,198,885 | Central Bank | Asia |
11. | European Central Bank | Central Bank | Europe | |
12. | Central Bank of Brazil | Central Bank | Latin America | |
13. | Central Bank of the Russian Federation | Central Bank | Europe | |
14. | Central Bank of China | Central Bank | Asia | |
15. | Netherlands Bank | Central Bank | Europe | |
16. | Saudi Central Bank | Central Bank | Middle East | |
17. | Bank of Canada | Central Bank | North America | |
18. | Reserve Bank of Australia | Central Bank | Australia and Pacific | |
19. | Bank of Korea | Central Bank | Asia | |
20. | National Bank of Belgium | Central Bank | Europe | |
21. | Monetary Authority of Singapore | Central Bank | Asia | |
22. | National Bank of the Republic of Austria | Central Bank | Europe | |
23. | Central Bank of Luxembourg | Central Bank | Europe | |
24. | Bank of Greece | Central Bank | Europe | |
25. | Bank of Portugal | Central Bank | Europe | |
26. | Bank Indonesia | Central Bank | Asia | |
27. | Bank of Mexico | Central Bank | Latin America | |
28. | Bank of Thailand | Central Bank | Asia | |
29. | Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey | Central Bank | Middle East | |
30. | Czech National Bank | Central Bank | Europe | |
31. | Central Bank of Argentina | Central Bank | Latin America | |
32. | Central Bank of Ireland | Central Bank | Europe | |
33. | Central Bank of the Philippines | Central Bank | Asia | |
34. | Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates | Central Bank | Middle East | |
35. | Central Bank of Lebanon | Central Bank | Middle East | |
36. | Bank Negara Malaysia | Central Bank | Asia | |
37. | National Bank of Poland | Central Bank | Europe | |
38. | Bank of Israel | Central Bank | Middle East | |
39. | Sveriges Riksbank | Central Bank | Europe | |
40. | State Bank of Vietnam | Central Bank | Asia | |
41. | Central Bank of Iraq | Central Bank | Middle East | |
42. | Central Bank of Chile | Central Bank | Latin America | |
43. | Central Bank of Nigeria | Central Bank | Africa | |
44. | National Bank of Denmark | Central Bank | Europe | |
45. | National Bank of Slovakia | Central Bank | Europe | |
46. | Central Reserve Bank of Peru | Central Bank | Latin America | |
47. | Qatar Central Bank | Central Bank | Middle East | |
48. | Norges Bank | Central Bank | Europe | |
49. | South African Reserve Bank | Central Bank | Africa | |
50. | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | Central Bank | Australia and Pacific | |
51. | Bank of the Republic Colombia | Central Bank | Latin America | |
52. | Bank of Algeria | Central Bank | Africa | |
53. | Central Bank of Egypt | Central Bank | Middle East | |
54. | Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Central Bank | Asia | |
55. | National Bank of Ukraine | Central Bank | Europe | |
56. | Central Bank of Kuwait | Central Bank | Middle East | |
57. | Central Bank of Hungary | Central Bank | Europe | |
58. | Bangladesh Bank | Central Bank | Asia | |
59. | National Bank of Serbia | Central Bank | Europe | |
60. | Bank of Lithuania | Central Bank | Europe | |
61. | Bank Al-Maghrib | Central Bank | Africa | |
62. | Monetary Authority of Macao | Central Bank | Asia | |
63. | Bank of Slovenia | Central Bank | Europe | |
64. | Bulgarian National Bank | Central Bank | Europe | |
65. | Bank of Latvia | Central Bank | Europe | |
66. | Central Bank of Cyprus | Central Bank | Europe | |
67. | Croatian National Bank | Central Bank | Europe | |
68. | Bank of Guatemala | Central Bank | Latin America | |
69. | Central Bank of Uruguay | Central Bank | Latin America | |
70. | Central Bank of Oman | Central Bank | Middle East | |
71. | Central Bank of the Dominican Republic | Central Bank | Latin America | |
72. | Central Bank of Bolivia | Central Bank | Latin America | |
73. | State Bank of Pakistan | Central Bank | Asia | |
74. | Central Bank of Jordan | Central Bank | Middle East | |
75. | Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan | Central Bank | Asia | |
76. | Central Bank of Tunisia | Central Bank | Africa | |
77. | Central Bank of Myanmar | Central Bank | Asia | |
78. | Bank of Ghana | Central Bank | Africa | |
79. | Central Bank of Kenya | Central Bank | Africa | |
80. | Central Bank of Malta | Central Bank | Europe | |
81. | National Bank of the Republic of Belarus | Central Bank | Europe | |
82. | National Bank of Angola | Central Bank | Africa | |
83. | Central Bank of Sri Lanka | Central Bank | Asia | |
84. | Bank of Finland | Central Bank | Europe | |
85. | Bank of Estonia | Central Bank | Europe | |
86. | Central Bank of Turkmenistan | Central Bank | Asia | |
87. | Central Bank of Costa Rica | Central Bank | Latin America | |
88. | Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago | Central Bank | North America | |
89. | Bank of Afghanistan | Central Bank | Asia | |
90. | Central Bank of Nepal | Central Bank | Asia | |
91. | Central Bank of Venezuela | Central Bank | Latin America | |
92. | Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe | Central Bank | Africa | |
93. | Central Bank of Paraguay | Central Bank | Latin America | |
94. | Bank of Mauritius | Central Bank | Africa | |
95. | Central Bank of Iceland | Central Bank | Europe | |
96. | Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Central Bank | Europe | |
97. | Bank of Jamaica | Central Bank | North America | |
98. | Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador | Central Bank | Latin America | |
99. | Bank of Mongolia | Central Bank | Asia | |
100. | Bank of Uganda | Central Bank | Africa | |
$40,044,875,772,008 |
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