The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

CONGRESS. iiMd a bill to remove tbe iaiaaetioa ef reev Irani the eoerttnartlal that tried Gen. Fits John Porter, la order that tee members mt it anay give the details to toe publio acetlfr la tu ease If railed upon. Tie Senate resumed consideration of the kill to authorize tbe eonstroetten of steel vesaela. aleaars.

MePbersoa, Jones, ef Florida, and at tiler, ei uauiomia, toes pan la tne debate. The latter was la favor of making liberal appropriations lor euiidia a narr. Be was la faror of eoestrdctlnx Amerlean atea ef war from American materiel, by Aarmu era men, to oe manned ey aaer seen seamen. Tae si ted states should be prepared to meek ute encroachments of these wbo msy become Jealous of bar Dresress Tae example of free ror eminent aad free inaUtutlona is SDreadinr eontaaion of tA saewght aad free government among an toe peepies ok a giuoo, aaa is engeaaenng instinct, hatred, malice and unfriendliness of tae imperialists and monarchist msroagaous ne world. wanted to America ready to reseat any lasolts which saigas oe neaped upon OCT, come from waac Barter they might.

air. Bayard renewed the aetioa of Con gress la tae last few rears In regard to the navy, aad continued that It was impossible that Senators should lraore the feet that there was, for one reason or another, a great deal of distrust in the head of the Mary jjepartment. in tae opinion ei many men, Me iresiaent selection or. we inoamoent for that position was not a wise one. This wss not a question of personal assault, bat 01 ut ntness 01 toe person xor tae place, There was nothing In the antecedents or acquirements of the Individual referred to maat reeoered his selection wise.

lie, Mr. weald be reluctant to sire pain to any man bat these were pub be questions and shoold be discussed In a plain, open and penile manner. It was In no otsfcr spirit that he referred to this sub ject, it wse paruy ror this reuua that Cob frees kad placed the reatrletlons noon the bonding of the ships now in the coarse of construction. Mr. Hale here remarked that be bad given notice 01 an amendment to toe pending Din wfclen woald throw the protection ot the aets ef U2 sad 1683 around the ships now proposed, anu tost tne amendment was it self suggested by the Secretary of the Mary.

Mr. Hale then offered as a substitute for the amendment ox Mr. MeFnersen the fol tewing: That the said easels shall be designed ana constructed in ail rnspects in accord anee with and snbieet to the eondltions and pis rial on a of the naval appropriation acts of sag. 1883, and March 1883, authonx bk ta construction ol roar steel cruisers. Mr.

MePaerean objected to the amendment st this time and It went over. Mr. Hawley stated that he, for one, while public rumor bad been busy with the pro! ability of the appointment of the present eeereuuy oi tne Aary nad ventured tue prophecy that be would Drove one of ablest Clear on the very lilostrioas roll of neaasoi tnst aepartment. As to that prophecy he Sir. Ha wleyl had now nothing to take back.

The distinguished wbihjw tue secretary or tne ravy was wtU snowo, aad when his da ilea were closed his record would compare favorably with that of any Secretary who had ever vied tne mew. After further debate a vote was taken on Mr. MePherson's first amendment, redacing the lumber of proposed ships from seven lour. This was defeated yeas 17, nays ss. Tbe question reouTring on Mr.

MePner son'a seoondl amendmeut, which provided the conditions under which the contracts should he made, Mr. Hale offered the swaendment above set forth. Mr. Se well offered, as a substitute for both, an amsndment providing that the vessels be built at one or more of the Government navy ysrds. Tae Chair stated that the substitute was not at this time in order.

A vote wss then taken on the amendment Mr. Hale to the amendment of Mr. Mc Fberson, and Mr. Hale's amend meat was tto. rhe question recurring on Mr.

MePher son's ameadmeat, it was also agreed to. Mr. Seweil then presented his substitute. Mr. Jones, of Florida, offered an amend merit to ft.

providing that the construction of the veeaeis snouid be apportioned between the different navy yards ot the eoun en din debate on the the eeaato went into executive session, and soon adjourned. Mr. Deuster, rising to a question or privilege, sent to the Clerk's desk and had read the resolution adopted by the Committee of the Liberal Union of the German Parliament expressing Its appreciation of the act of the House of Bepreseata tlves adopting the resolutions in nonor of Alward Lasher. The fcpeakc stated that the resolution was not one of privilege, but by unanimous eon sent Mr. Lvuater wss permitted to oontlnue.

Heeald that the Executive Committee or the Liberal Unloa expressed tae sentiments of the people of Germany as here presented. It was pecaliar as seen through American eyes. Prince Bismarck, the autocrat of the German Empire, was the embodiment of en idea antagonistic to American Institutions. He aad returned the Lasker resolution that It might stand to prejudice the German people, but ike resolution of the Liberal Union contradicted that assumption from a ds Atlantic stand point. Death broke down all political feeling, and In the presence of the open grave the nntversal brotherhood of man was the Inspiration of the hour.

The same was true of the Germans as a people, aad if they were misrepresented by a man In a place of power, they bad no other method of setting themselves right before the world than by the resolutions of the Liberal Uaton. la presenting this resolution In his official place, ss a member of this body, as a naU ve of Germany and an adopted citizen of the United States, he desired to express his earnest conviction that the action of the I iberal Union was the true Index of the feeling of united Germany, and that the action of Prince Biemarck would not rise above the dlcalty ot a matter of personal vexation, in no way effecting the kindly relations now existing between the two nations. It mlght4e premature now to criticise the action of Prince Bismarck, but whea the rnclal information thereof was In posses aion of the House, he would endeavor to show that the Lasker resolutions were entirely hind and proper. Mr. Uuenther dnted that the people of Germany were hostile to this oonntry or its institutions, or that the letter of Prince Birnierck returnins; the Lasker resolutions reflected the sentiment of that people.

They did not approve his discourtesy, neitser did they indorse his autooratio action in prohibiting the importation of American products. Mr. Kasson regretted that the Incident referred to be made in any dirree subject to debate. In bu opinion the House would better eoesnlc Its dltraity by watuoe until some, efacial communication reached i it that proper comment had been made upon its action. When it whs Informed that the Interests or the honor of the country had been fleered there would be.

no doubt, perfect accord between the two sides of the Uonae touching the action to be taken. He moved to rerVr the resolution presented by Mr. Deuater to the Committee on For cirn Affairs, and it was so ordered. The House res timed consideration of the pleuro pneamonla bill. tue pending amesd inent bring that reported from tbe Committee on the Whole striking out the fourth section, the quarantine section.

The amendment wss to yeas 155, nsys 111. The affirmative vote was east ty KepuV lleaas and the foilowinr named Democrat! Alexander. Beach, lai. recti a ride, Bndd. Barnes.

Caldwell, Clsrdy, Ca leton. vnverse. Cook; OcBRter. Dirxvll, Ferrell, Foran, Fyan. Geddes.

Graves. Green, Hah of Missouri. Hewitt of Mew Yore, II HI. Job of Wisconsin. King, Kefevre.

lowy. Matson, Maybury, Morran, Morrison. Hon Hon, Malilrov, Murphy. Keeee, O'Neill of Missouri. Puy.

Sever. Springer, California. Tavlorof Teudessee, WeUr. WUktns. Wioens of Michigan, and Ysplef Wood, Worthington SKntntt ten.

of insperttoTi to the end thVt no dial csaed cattle shall he exporwd and further a bill to orrsnise a more strict quarantine araioat he lmporUtion of diseased an rosls asd to nske euoh rcrulatinns as will acrrre to The States such leglalatlon as wtil ersdicure pluro pneumonia aad other coots tious diseases, and giving the oomaolttee leave xn report at any tlms. Mr. EsxJaU Uie jcas and nays 1 nasi the leselsUoa wan rej acted; yeas US, nays Me. Tao bill was ahem passed yeas US. STB m.

Fnali bsataeas was ampended. and Haas pasussdsd ta pay an approprlats) manswMS anawj ox sob.uu late BcpreaentatTvo from Kansas Mr. Bran reviewed tao early Ufa ef hi deceased colleague, aad the purity and kindliness of his private relations. His legislative unties were performed with an honesty, ability and energy which rendered nis aeata agonal and eansed his State to bow down in sorrow before Its great Bereavement. Mr.

Keller expressed dcen res ret and sorrow at the loss which the House had sustained of an en lightened and eourajreoas legislator, ue do re testimony so sue aoiuftr which Mr. Haskell had displayed In taking mat eaarge ex tne tans biu waiea a ameous disease had prevented him, as chairman of tne committee en ways ana bbsw, uwu assuming. Bat now the vigorous youth had rone, and a diseased eld anan, restored to health, lived to mourn the lose of his gifted vonng co laborer. Fnrther addresses were made by Messrs. Tneker.

Kelier. MeKialey. Rice, Rossell. Browne, Burns, 1'etUDoae ana jrerains. Mr.Starbaek reviewed an Intimate qualntanee of is years with the deceased, and said that he bad never heard him ear an unkind word of any man.

Mr. Bel ford premised his eulogistic re marks with a fine comparison and contemplation of the mysteries of life and death. He expressed his supreme sorrow at the death, in the prime of life, of one possess lag such noble qualities as did D. C. Has kell.

At the conclusion of the eulogies, the House, ss a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, adjourned. TRAPS A1TO TRAVEL. The CaDfsrala Railroad Tan Case. Bah Fbjuccisco. Feb.

28. Gov. Stewart obtained an injunction this afternoon restraining Attorney General Marshall from compromising the railroad tax eases. Circuit Judge Sawyer 'this morning derided the railroad tax cases in favor of the Central. Southern and Northern Psclflo Railroads, except in Monterey, Hants Clara.

San Mateo and Colusa counties. O. Beed Haynle, the railroads' attorney, stated that the compaales would waive Judgment and pay the face of the taxes. This effects a joss to the State of tl.ouo.000. the difference of the face of the tax and the amount sued for.

(The Colorado Kate War. Chicago. Feb. as. The Burlington Road has met the eat In freight rates to Denver and points west of that city, in Colorado, ordered by the Western Trunk lAat Association, to meet the cut made by the St.

Louis and San Francisco Road. The ChleasTO and Alton, and Atchison. Topeka snd Santa Fe Roads slso met the rut In freight ratea to Colorado and New Meiieo points made by the Western Trnnk Line Association. The Hsw General Manager ef the Or ear as Isnsrsvssseat Casapeay. FoKTLajiD.

Feb. 28. John Mulr arrived to day to assume the general management of the Oregon Improvement Companr. Hla Northern Pacific connection oeascs March 1. Fork la Greece.

New Yoik, Feb. 38. The Consul General ot Greece announces that his Government hss sbollthed prohibition against the importation of American hog products. The decree took effect on the 2Jd Inst. The Bastsa aad Albnar'e Electlaa.

BoeTOir. Feb. 28. President Bliss and the old board of officers of the Boetou and Al bany Railway were re clectel to dsy WEATHER. A Ssvsre 8 saw Stems la Kaatera Cities.

Krw Xork. Feb. 38. The snow storm hereabouts this morning Interfered serious ly with telegraphing. In Boston the telephone wires and the wires of the Are alarm system were wrecked.

snd, tailing on tne wires or tne western Union system, bothered its business con siderably. At the request of the Mayor, the electrls light companies did not chares their wires remaining up, so that the linemen might repair tne damage. a sixty ioot teiegrapn poie Deanng rony wires fell with a crash at the Columbia Avenue Station, Just as the Boston and Albany train had psaaed. In Ontario a train, being delayed, was abandoned during a severe snow storm. in Nova Bcoua a storm neroeiy rages.

The Hazard la the Mertawescl MnrSKATOLis. Feb. 28 The Evenlnsr Jonrnal's special advices show that the blockade Is lifting on ail of the northwest ern lines. Trains are moving, bat behind time, with some trouble on tne remote branches In Dakota. The storm be an to abate at midnight and had ceased entirely by 6 o'clock tula morning.

Everything Is clear on the Albert Lal4ne except the Paolflc division, whloh win be in working order before nignc On the Northern Pacifio and Manitoba through trains are moving. The Canadian Pacific's outlook Is nromislnsT. Hastings and Dskota are disTsTiac out in stood shape. No further trouble is feared. RAILROAD ACCIDENTS.

A Ceadaetei'a Fatal Krrr. Terse Haxtx. Ind Feb. 28. train, west bound, whose conductor forgot sbout the Paris and Indianapolis accommodation train, collided with the passenger train a mile east ot Pans, 111.

F. W. Lind scy, of Springfield, fireman on the freight train, uniped, as did both engineers and the other fireman, just as the engines met. Lindsey was burled under the ruins and allied. The engineer of the passenger train had his leg broken.

Fifteen freight cars, heavily loaded, were completely wrecked, as were notn engines. Fatal Expleelsa ef a Railroad File Drive. Feb. 28.

The boiler of a stationary engine, connected with a piie onving lnacninery on tae veutrai exploded yesterday, near Blakely, killing the engineer, Wm. Sloan, and seriously wounding bis son. tne fireman and two negroes. The engine and car were wrecked. FfRE RECORD.

Fatal Fiance la a Ktw York Teaosaeat. Siw Yoki. Feb. 38. A lire broke out this morning in the third floor of the frame building occupied by Cornelius Van Riper, his wife and three children and O'Connelly.

Vsn Riper and the three children were suffocated and burned to death. His wife Jumped from the third story window and was Instantly killed. The damsgs to the buUding was slight. It was learned that Mrs. Van Riper, If she hsd lived, would have become a ruotoer in a dsy or two.

Her death wss due to the shock from her injuries. It Is said that tramps were in the basem*nt of the building last night. They may be responsible for the fire. The Cedar Works at Rtshaaesd. RicnsiOKD, Feb.

28. The Cedar Works were burned to day: lo Over 100 men and boys are brown out ot employment. Flying sparks set fire to scv ersl buildings, au of which were saved except G. B. Stacy's shuck factory, whloa was entirely eonanmed.

His loss is Tbe Cedar Works Company's Insurance was over 160,000. Reels, WI. Ractxe, Feb. 38. The dry bonse connected with the Mitchell A Lewis Company wagon factory has been on fire all the morning.

By stubborn work the flames were kept from spread lug to the factory building and stork shed. Loss, to $50,000. Ko insurance. A Breektya Feaadry. Mew York.

Feb. S3. The iron and brass foundry of I Colts. Brooklyn, burned to night. Pstterns valued at and belonging to the JCdgsr Manufacturing Company bnrneeK The damage to the building was $3000; all Insured.

Iredell, Texas. S.LVE8TOW, Feb. 28 A Nsws Waco special says: Nearly the whole of the business portion of the town or Iredell was destroyed by lire last night. The loss and Insurance Is unknown. Eoffrox.

Feb. It A Are at Merrtmsc and LsDi uter streets to night caused a loss of tioatoo. of whieh tbe Hawkins Maculne rrotany lose insurance about $7 ,100. I Itha'keen definitely arranged that the Fib prta of Aaatna will visit Northamptoa rbir and hunt with tne Pytebly hound. tn.nrefca has of late been a gooi deal of an invalid.

r. nARrrniE. A Wi wsrw York. Feb. 38.

A St. received te dsy tells a story ot the wreck of m. vmsMisi brisratine on the AnsnUla Reef daring a gale, and when all on board, except tne capr sin ana a wx were uow witn African fever. All were rescued, however. next morning.

CRIMES AJD CASUALTIES. nTeDewaOrs Kseape frees the sTi Bar BKRVARDorA. CaL. Feb. M.

W. McDowell, a saurderer sentenced to be hang eo, Drone jau taia awrnuir, ana is Deuevea te have reached the Mexican territory, 130 miles distant, nnenn jsnrkaar Has offered $600 for his capture alive or dead. The residence of William Clark, some distance from the JaO, was burned at the time of the escape, and this la said to be the work of McDowell's confederates. WECROLOGT. A Little Rack Hotel Keeper.

Little Rock, ArkM Feb. 28. A. Dashon, proprietor ot the Capitol Hotel, died this morning. The Reasalas ef Gss.

Ord Arrived In Mew York. Vew York, Feb. 28. The remains of Gen. Ord arrived from Havana to day.

They will be taken to wasuington to nignt. Sdssand Smith, of Massashasetta. Bostok, Feb. 28. Edmund Smith, au early Abolitionist, ana an associate 01 uarnson, died this morning.

MISCELLANEOUS. The Frlsea Ceafereace la Hew York. New York, Feb. 28. The Prison Conference to day discussed prison labor.

Amonsr those who took part in the debate were Bv D. A. By res. secretary ot the Board of Cnar itles ef Columbus, Supt. W.

D. Peterson of the Cleveland. orison, and Prof. Fran cis Way land. xne Ecnersi opinion expressed was la favor of the eon tract system as tbe one beat calculated to benefit the prisoners and so ciety.

UMsra te usab saaraer. YOCKGSTOWir. Feb. 28. The banquet and bail tendered to Lieut.

Giles B. Harbor, U. S. by the citizens, to night, was an ele ant affair. Lieut.

Harber has just rs turned from a trip to Siberia la search of Chipp and party, ot the Jeannette crew, and retaining from Melvah brought the bodies of DeLong and his comrades. nineteen years eiro Haruer was piaeea at Annapolis by the late President Garfield. Gcraaaa Keessrsltlaa ef the Ueaers te Leaker. New York, Feb. 28.

A communication has been rcct ived front the Berlin com id tee for tbe cbeequtes of Dr. dward Lssker by Carl Scburi, chairman of the New York committee, expressing tbf thanks of the people of Berlin for the marks or honor and respect paid to the memory of ism er in a merics Feeds far the Flsed Hafierera. Bxjf Fraxcisco. Feb. 28.

A committee of citizens, appointed to.obr.aln a subscription to aid the Ohio River sufferers, to dsv col lected $5200 In five hours' labor. $1000 wai immediately sent to Augusta, Middle port. Ohio, Jefferson vllle, and Ports mouth, O. The bank and telegraph service wss free. The HsrteBss la aa lee Pack.

Bostox, Feb. 28. The steamer Norseman, from Liverpool, reports that she steamed along solid ice for a distance of lio miles. TUB R1TBR. Memphis.

Feb. 28. River stationary. De parted: Kate Adams for Arkansas City and John A. Scudder for St.

Louis. Weather dear and freezing cold. Cairo. Feb. 28.

No arrivals or depart tires. River 60 feet inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 15. Bvarsvilus, Feb.

28. River 41 feet 1 Inch and falling. The weather delayed all boats. Thermometer 18. Weather clear and getting cold.

Louibville, Feb. 28. The river is falling siowiy. ii ieet in tne canal and 9 leet on the falls. Business is good.

Weather cloudy with occasional snow. CiKcntHATi. Feb. 28. River 28 feet Inches and fslling.

Weather clear, windy snd very cold. Departed Stookdale for Pittsburg. Wbeeuko, W. Feb. 28.

River 11 feet 3 Inches and stationary. Weather Cloudy and eoia. Pittsburg, Feb. River 6 feet inches and lulling, eatlier dear and very cold. TBI PASSES.

Port Eais, Feb. 28, Noon. Wind north Arrive Last night, steamship New YorV, Quick, master, from New York, to Morgan's ljouieiana and Teens Railroad and Steam ship Company. Itslian bark Maria Adelaide, Naocan, master, 68 days rrom messina, to master. No departures.

Port Bads, Feb. 38. 6 P. M. Wind north west.

No arrivals. Sailed Steamships S. J. Otert for Belize, Chalmette and Hudson for New York, and Morgsn for Havana; bark Zernro for Genoa schooners Ella M. Watts for Pensa cola, snd Blle O'Neill for Apalachioola.

HaJUKK. New York. Feb. 28. Arrived: Bohemia from Hamburg.

Hobenatoufen from Bre men, Assyrian Monarch from London, Circassian from Ltvernool. Lor dor. Feb. 28. Arrived out: Moravia and Schiedam from New York, Lord Clive from Philadelphia.


1884, Time of Ther Sirsotioa State of observation. monetae of wind. weattier. A. Ml 38J N.

Kalr. 1:36 P. 48.2 X. Cloudy. wts r.

a sa.u jiear. Maxlsanm 49.6: mtnnnnBi 361. feisnala are ordeil a at Cedar Keys north westerly winls, freezinc weatlicr in extreme Northern Florida to stent, extendlns; aoutb ward to morrow nlgbt. Hlsuula aro aown at uaiveston anu inaianoia. iKyqlaiana.

The plum trees in West Feliciana are all in 0100m. No new cases of small pox were reported in enreveport last weea. Gov. Penn and Mr. Kennedy are In Shreveport looking out tor water works Interests.

The piaqaenilnes nee farmers are pre paring zor a larger crop pi tnia cereal tnan ever before. Scott Moeely, who was soensed of robbing the malls, was tried at Alexandria and convicted. A negro named Nelson shot at another EeTTO by tbe name or Tony, In Sc. James parish one day lsst week and missed him Tony then returned the lire, killing Nelson instantly. The extort to resuscitate the Democratic Parish Convention in Caddo that nominated Capt.

Wm. Robeson for the State Senate, far the purpose of reconsidering said nomination, iailed to succeed and proved a dead failure. Only about ten or twelve members 01 tne oerunct convention took the trouble to ansa er the call for a reassembling ot said DOUJ. Tbe Protestants In Spain are having a hard lime. In the Aaturlas a colporteur of the BIMe Society has been maltreated, though he appealed to the local authorities for protection.

Near Alsasua, in the Basque provinces, the vlllsge priests, assisted by the authorities and gendarmes, foroibly took from tbe house of a Protestant family the body ot a child six years old. and buried it according to tbe Roman Catholic rites, despite the protest et the parent and the orders of the Governor of Navarre, who hsd authorized a Protestant interment in the separate cemetery according to law. The father of the child has appealed to the tribunals, because the local authorities pre ten0d they were acting under the orders of the bishop. "Gaze upon yonder evening stir and swear to be true while its light shall shiae! 8 wear my love! Swear by Venus!" exclaimed a youth In impassioned acaeots to cneof tbe Vassar girls. IIowstup.l you re she auaswered.

"That Is net Venas. The ascension ef Venus this month is 15b. her declination 17 degrees 23m. south, BKdfcer diameter is 10 2." FOREIGN NEWS. Cel.

Baissti'i Flan mt Battle. Trtrkitat, Feb. 39, 3it3 A. MOoL Bar naby telegraphed this evening: We are on the eve of a battle; I shall leave Fort Bsker at daybreak aad expect to niei tae enemy after an hour's march The tioops will be formed in a square with a reserve consisting of tour companies of mariocs, with four rifle cannon In tbe centre Gane will also be placed at the corners of the square, with a squadron of cavalry ta the rear." The enemy is very noia, ana ass Kept up all dav a constant fire noon Fort Baker There were as casualties, although there were many narrow escapee, epics report that the rebels are feasting and ivjoioiog because they have been largely reinroroea. The rebels are recti nr earthworks.

A squadron of English cavalry will act as scouts, with orders to retire upon tbe main body when they touch the rebels. The remainder will be cavalry, massed in the rear to act as may be necessary. The PssesnilBatlen ef Oerdsa's Preela Bsatlea. Kbartotjm. Feb.

38. For the purpose of reassurlns; tne well affected and over coin lng the disaffected, two armed steamers nnder a white flag will ascend the White Nile, nnder the command of Col. Stewart, who will distribute freely Gsn. Gordon's nrnelamatlon. If attacked, the crews will be in a posi con to defend tu em selves.

The Rebel Less la the Fight with Baker Pasha. Suakim, Feb. 28. The rebels lost 1300 men 1n the recent fisht with Baker PathJ It is stated that dissensions exist everywhere In the rebel ranks. The Orders te Gca.

Graham. Cairo. Feb. 28. Two Egyptian battalions have started for Assonant.

Fresh uirrotlous have been sent to Gen. Graham, repeatin tbe previous orders to restrict his opera tlons to tne defence oz suaum. Gca. Graham's March on Ten. Triskitat, Feb.

28. Gen. Graham maiches iroin Fort Baker' this afternoon He bivouacs to night and resumes the march on Teb to morrow. One company is left to guard Trinkitat. Ike Rebels Defeated Near Trlanluu.

Truskitat, Feb. 28. A battle took place between Gen. Graham and the rebels not far rem here, in which the latter were de feated. Tbe report of tbe battle between Gen Grab sin's troops and the rebels near Trinkitat is not confirmed.

It is reported that the battle will be ioagnt to aay. GREAT BRITAIN. he Wetklssa the Draamlte Caa splraey. Loxuon. Feb.

23 The clerk of th cloak room at the Cbatine; Croe Kail way Station opeued, at midnight last night, a suspicious loosing oox, wmcn is tuougnt to contain explosives. It hss been sent to Woolwicu to ite examined. The detectives have kept a close upon tbe resorts ot Irish Nationalists In London, but have made no discoveries It Is believed that the dynamite conspiracy in msnagea wnoiiy auroaa. and toe conspirators hold no connection witn the Fenian or Natloral circles here. In tbe House or Commons the Home Secretary atsten tliat a tbird infernal metilnr bad been discovered at tbe Paddiugton Railway 8tatlon.

The machine wss of American manufac ture, and contained dynamite. it seems tnat tne cloakroom ciers: at tbe ChartnK Cross station heard a uuiee like tue ticking of a clock inside tbe heavy valise, and he forthwith handed it over to the police. The report that the police found a large quantity of explosives under tae Charlus: Cross Railway Station has not been confirmed, in otfidal of tbe station apprehended that the outrage would be attempted early this morning. The valise contained a tin box, with a quantity of dynamite fastened aroaad it. Within the tin box was a clock movement connected with a loaded revolver and timed to run four hours before discharging tbe revolver.

When the hammer of tba re volver had fallen the cartridge failed to explode and the disaster was thus averted The valise was deposited in the cloakroom on Monday. It contained twenty unds of dynamite. It is believed that the conspirators intended that this machine should explode simultaneously with that at tbe Victoria Railway station. The dock movement was ot American make. The efiicials absolutely deny that any dynamite wss found under the station.

Tue dynamite and the clock were packed in clothes. The vslise was exactly like the valise found at the Victoria Station, whloh is supposed to have caused tbe explosion there on Tuesday morning. There Is no due to tbe person who left the valise In the baring Cross Station. If It hsd exploded it would have doue much greater damage than that at the Victoria Station, as the cloakroom is built nnder the horel. The mschine was inside a valise, attached to a cash box.

It consisted or twenty pounds or dynamite, in wbich were Imbedded sn American alarm clock and a pistol. The hammer of the pistol was elevated. The Tinea's Tribute te minister Host. Loxikin, Feb. 28.

The Times, spesking of the late United States Minister Haot, says Mr. Hunt was a Southern man, honest snd sturdy, and of venerable He uiicht have well sat to a painter as a type of the Puritan lather. His wss a prominent head amongst the crowd of diplomatists present at the coronation at Kremlin, last wss nowhere more freely or graciously dispensed tban at bis elegant hired villa at Moscow, over which waved the stars and stripes. Gladstone's Franchise Bill London, Feb. 28.

Mr. Gladstone introduced in the Commons a frauohUe bill which would strengthen the State bv en franchising the people capable of exercising the rights of franchise. He declared that America had only recovered from the civil war so quickly because of the fact that every capable citizen had been intrusted with the rights of franchise Failure ef Walker dc 8 Londow, Feb. 28. William Walker Son, seed 01 usbers, at King's Lynn, have tailed.

ibtir liabilities are believed to be heavy The Hacker Cable. Londov, Ftb. 28. It has been decided to land tbe Msckey Cable at WatervTUle, be tween tbe stations or tbe AnsTlo Amerloan snd direct United Cable Companies. The Ex Speaker's Pension.

London. Feb. 28. The House of Com moDS to day granted Ex Speaker Brand and Lis heir a pension 01 4000. Discovery ef Explosives.

Losuox, Feb. 28. The police, have dis covered a large quantity or explosives uu demeatn cnaring cross railway station. TOSQUl. The French Campatsu Agalsst Bsc Nlnh.

Haoi Zouku, Feb. 2S. DispatJbes from Hanoi say tout Generals Millut And Itnerre will start on Mach to attack Bsc lnh. GeB.Ncgrler will leave pearlier with, 6000 men. and will oe tue insan road.

It will be ueceasary to riiseiutrjc the troops to cspture the fortified posi atoux tne lonffkol iilver. mere are seventeen similar poets on the Hanoi road. Tba Ptratea la tae Province ef Nam Dlnh Paris, Feb. 3.. Advices from Ton iiilu state that fresh bands of pirts aro ba rsshlng the province of Natu Diun.

The mandarins have menaced ths mis slon house at Kezo aud troop Uaro been sent to protect ic GBRttANY. What the Official Press Says of the Aa aexailaa ef Holland. Beeltw, Feb. 28. The official newfpaprs deny tne truth 01 tne reports tnat 'b tier an Government aims te annex Holland They refer to Bismarck's reply to the private Dutch deputation which had ceiled oa him with reference to the proposed annex ation of Holland, in toe oourseoc wutik Bismarck said that Germany nd no such aim that she already nad too maay refrac tory elements to assimilate.

Aa.Effart to be Hade te Rec assize the Lsrsker" Reeelatien. Berldt. Feb. 28. The leaiing poltttcisns here are diseuMln the question of whitar the Relclistss: will adopt a resolution tunn ing the United States House of Rpresenna tives for its resolution Ot condolence oa the deth Dr.

Lasker. Tbe Secessionists will proposs saeh a resolution and the Progressists will proba bly support them. The attitude of the Na the aneaabere ef the Centre is Mlalaisr f'nracat'e Recall Tboaskt ef mx II ana. BSRxrar, Feb. sw Several of the Berlin pairrewla are on friendly relations with jslbleter anr nt sert skat tbe question ef recall baa 1 ot been ralm d.

In resTrd to lDqmrie at the Whte House, Uj aabingtOD, tli Hrrvtarv rf torn Piviiident vttes tbe unqualified answer: "There la no thought of recalling Mr. Sargent." FKS.ACE. Tbs Police Trackl ike Dyaasmlters. 5Luwuf, ze. mwts at agents ana Frt ucb pollen are traekloa? the movemnis of certain suiiotou persons, suspects," Siaot from Havre to Pans and ihrnoe to Brussels, but lost sight of them beyond Brussels.

Tbeie is 0 evidence that dynamite supplies bavc bt en reerlved throuKh France. The Liibdon plii have information tht explosive utaterials and explosive maooinfs tn? bt en eent from America through Hamburg. Tbe names and residences of the five sus pects walcbad by tbe non odewrs are as follows: Miubael Haunoe. 610 Falt street, Buffalo, N. Patrick Dillon.

171 Olivrr street, Patereon, N. John Llston and Richard Lirton, nl oo. Texas, and Tu s. i(a, 127 Twrnty Fifta street. Brook lyn, N.

Y. Tne police seem to have uu pos itive pi oof to connect thew witn the Lou now plots. Tbe French Government has Instructed the preitcture at Paris to ttiee every as rlstajicc to tne Eucliah police. It is rr part td that th KuiinU Ooverumsnt will sound Prime Miiltr Ferry on tbe subject ot the rxpultionof the suspected dynauiidersfroiu rraiiOe. Ike Aaserleaa Prima Desna's Speasore, Paris.

Feb. 28 Mrs. Mackey will be sponger aith Gounod at. the reception of Nevaoa, tire Aiucricsn prima donna, into ike aiiiotio (jituron. A Kew ljfe Mcnatsr.

PARIS, b. 28. DeMarcere has been ieied lire twuator iu place of Galthier Do Mbliier. cec aed. THE DOTI1NIOM.

Blr Charles Tapper's Membership ef the Oitawa, Feb. 28 In tbe Houe or Com ruous Una ailerboon Mr. Blake oalied atten tion to tbe 1 oHitiou of Sir Ubas. Tupper a a ut moer 01 tne Mouse and at tne same time Hljjh Couitnit sioner or Canada at London, aiu ruuveo tiiat tue speaker nc ordered to isrueanrit lor a new election to fill his place. eir John McDonald movfd as an smend ment tfast ilie matter lie referred to tbe biMtidiUK CoiunrlMt ou Privileges and iCloo iioiiB.

tsirtt a oy iii to 67. The Grant to Ike Canadian Pacific Ottawa, reo. me em arrantiog a loan ol SV.J 00 to tU Canadian Pcitic Knlluay a as read a tbird time to nitit amid prolonged cbeering from the Gouserva tives. Beiore the third reading the Minister of Railways sddt a clause to prevent auial tiamstiou or working ai rantremeuts between thb Cnaulan Pacinc atid tbe Grand Trunks. Cm 1 4.

The Hibitit Qnsailen te be Considered hi tm. paperlsr Caaacll. Vienra. Feb. 28 The 8t.

Petersburg cor reeionaent of tbe Tagblatt says that the Czar has decided to convene a superior council on the loth of March, for the pur Pe of coDMdVring tbe Socialist qnemlm. Tbey a ill takn Into considf ratiou the question of wiietber there really exists a powerful Nihilist element, and if so what their wants sre and how to satisfy or usli their, as the aeiuands of tue country may requite. Abe cuncu win Decompose! 01 repre seiitatl of tbe rultog ci isses, lacludiu (knint Tolstoi, Mtnieter of tbe Interior, Lieut Gen. lYheriiaieff, Gens. Iguatieff and MillKUtme, Abausa and all heads of minis terial depsrtmeute.

Prince Krapotklsc's Bestence Csmmated. Pa 19. Feb. 28 Tbe sentence of Prince Kriotsiiie is reiiorted to have been coin mutcti to banishment. ITALY.

Hertality at Bleste Carle. NiCR, Feb. 28. Letters to Gen. Anderson member of tbe British Parliament, show that toxteen suicides and two murders have occurred at Monte Carlo slnoe the 1st of it is stated tnat newspapers puoiisnea in tbe district have been paid to suppress all mention of these tragic events.

The Cur and the Vatican la Accsrd. Rome. Feb. 28. The aeoard of Russia and the Vatioan is complete.

A Russian' Min ister to tbe Vatican will be appointed. The Vacant eet win be auea at tne coming Consistory. AUSTRIA. The Peace Alliance. Vienna, Feb.

28 The eaml offlctal proacLment of. Russia and Geruiauy is warmly seitsoiufcd uere. lue Aumru uer man alliance is the unalterbie basis 01 Austrian policy. Austria Hiu continue to attaca tne great est importance to Italy particiuauon lu the aliiauc e. France probably will also appreciate Russia's adhesion to the peace alli ance.

CRETE. A Revalailsa la Prsspeet. CaxTjIA. Feb. 28.

Photisdes Psaa has re signed tbe Governorship ot Crete. Ic is oc liirved preparations are being made for a great Cretan revolt. PORTUGAL. A Carnival Rlet. London.

Feb. 28. At the carnival aud fes tival at Viliarel, Portugal, to duy, au affray occurrt betwt cn the military and the peo ple. Fliteen persona were Injured. The Cremation War.

A party of Boston men have organized a ciemation company, and are golag to oegiu work as soon as their furnace is tuUt aud tbey can find people who are wiliiug to be burned up after draco. This is a terrible bbotk to the orthodox and they sre free to tay in a very emphatic manner that such a scheme sins against heaven, the sanctity of human emotions and the hopes of a hereafter. Their remarks on the crematory are not always coherent, but thy are "loore fun than a box of monkeys. The Catholic priests and Episcopal rectors assert that the practice ot ereuiatlou violates Christian law by attacking the BAnctttyof the body after death "as taught by biblical illustrations on that point:" the Be v. Dr.

Duryea, who lives on the Bay and leads the orthodox Congregationalism. suilIis the serious daugnr of Immense graveyards in the confines of great cities and towns, but he does not waut be burned himself, and is sure that it wouid wound the sensibilities ot survivin friends If their dead were Dot bhried in the bos jui of mother earth. Next comes the Uev. J. W.

Hamilton, chief ot the new People's Cburoa, where seats are free, with a regular philippic against tbe oreuiatioolsts. His reverence finds that the advice to burn tiin dea.l is "novel" and has eupport oniy atuou pagan. "Didn't Ailiiiu aud Eve bnry Altei and was not Christ put in a sepu cjrs he asks. This being tue, the Bioie eoiu mand is plainly enough wiiLtet: "B'iry your dead, and never burn thmn." Cremation, be adds. Is unuacurU barbarous aud.

mdeeent aud will never receive tu eanction of a Cbrisjan people. Tue prophets and the apostles, with whim Mr. Hamilton is very intlaiiU uevi approved of cremation aud vita ait be other evidence, couviuot a th mtais that It is terribly wicseti. Puridcatiou hy fire, almost instantaneous, is very ieiuiive to hlia but there is nothing about'slow decny. Au orthodox preur who does not shudder at tbe Of tbe new company is yet be tmol 11 it tho pagan whom Mr.

Ilauilltun rttff rs ure ail in lavvr of it on sanitaiy grounds. llsrv, for in is Dr. Ovru Bartol, Ind tpea Cent Confrrfgationallst, a very dauterom heretic, claiming th it tne livinsr ouirbt to protected, snd hat theoonoeptlou of qui as ly burning body is not so painfiU to hi as the thought of slow co'ntnis'ioa underitround. But then Dr. Birtal Ij b.

1 for eternal misery by his rU nu tu orth.V dex pulpits, and ut course his woril arsall harmful and full of iruile. The eon; pan hss a great deal or airtcatir to before It Ets manv converts 15 ic rbH fathers estabtihed law against burnlT? the dead, and thev will berret. Jerrv with his marbles, from poliee interf ereuo uiw vi me iunniesK ouiections ti rreuiiuna. is raised by. a sincere preacher who fe trs that the destruction the bo1y tire would prevent its resurrection the dav of judgment, because there would remstntnsr.

not even dust." notion Correspondent Chuwgo Trtbune. Londborg's Perf*ckie, Harechal BTiel Boss. too site's aad sascatled. 8P0RTL5G. BHXItBM.

HsaMs Leade atMsteil Ockes The billiard match between Frank Mag gloil and Jotm Moulds, of St. Lnis. baik Ilbe same, uoo points. Maggioll giving odds of per began at the Masouie Hll lat Light. The crowd did not respond to the ibvltatlou toattend la suou large nu bers as wb the game happens to be free.

Aittmr Coste acted as referee and J. mil es as marker. Moulds won the loi aid made 7. missing an easy shot. Maggl .11 ran 27 axd kept tbe lead, playing well and luaking np the odds of 100 points for the evrnlsvg on the 29th Inning, the game then standing 117 for Moulds, 217 for Macglolu After some bad playing hy both.

Moulds improved, and by ruus of 17, 12. 10 and 87. in the 4Cth innicg be tied Marriott. He kept on. making runs of 2(1, 16 and 14, slippi ng up ou au ey shot in the 57 tb ir.niuic.

out finish hi isuo points In the 68th Inning, Maggl oll reaching 371. Tbe following was the score of tbe night's piay Moulds 7 16 004S11103S0030I 170 21 9S09 1029S90020 17 12 10 10O030 87 11 2O690000 1S114 0 9. Total 800. Average 5 6 69. Maggloll 27 6 3 13 16 12 0 3 7 0 21 15 1 10 4 94 4 1 0 25 20100 1 3 0 2 19 8 2 25 1 13 20 0 0.4 0 8 11 33 2 3 0 4 0 1 0 3.

Total 171. Averave 6 23 58. Tbe game will continue to night and Saturday liijtht. Clinton and Peterson yesterday played the final game to decide the tie for attcoud piHce Jii the ni( en ball pojI toaraament. juui'fuu oo oy tbe loiioeina: score Jobbsou 1 1011101011.

TjtaL 8. Pete 1 sou i) 010001010 0. Total, 3. This gives Johnson second money. ROWING.

Yale's Sew Arrangement. Krw Havkx, Feb. 28. The Yale oars men have adrpted the amendment to the constitution whicn places the entire msn axenieiit arid policy of Yale's boating inter erts iu the hajuds ol an executive committee coneUting ot a graduate, the coach and the ca plain. ite entire internal business management reuiaiui wuu tue presiuent as oorore.

Items of latereat te Oaraaaea. Just before sailing from San Francisco for Australia, Haniwn, in response to the nu u.erous cballriigt that have been showered upon him, said tbat as soon as he returns he will ue a string to tbe whole brave erosd aid tow tDru irom one end of the Hudson to tbe other. Charles Reynolds, a colored scalier, has made trie faetst time over the Paramatta Kiver champion course at Sjdney, Austra iltf.thiee uiif and 330 yards straight away, evt lowed. His time was 20 minutes 6 see otine. The best previous time was 20 minutes 44 sccoads.

a study of the weights of the oarsmen who have taken part iu the EugusuUni vi leity boat races lor the. past turee ars allows that the winninic crexrs have gamed in aeint at the end of tie traiuiuv, wuila itib looii.K crews have afforded evidrtnoe of if aitiiut: by a failure to maintain ths itody weigbt through the training season. ATHLETIC. Wresillas and PaaWiai. Andre Cbristol has sined articles with J.

Oallugber, ot Kansas City, for a Gf co wrestling contest, to taka place at bL. ioula, uelt Monday. A Ball lJtn special ol the 25th, to the St. Li'iiis G'obv Deiiivcrat. says: Hiko Burns ui.d Jack Wane fought a hard glovs figat ti riiiiic.

ror stjo siid tne cuaaipioastup or M. dUlu, at the Amphitheatre. Ovar 2J00 propie were present. War to knocked Burmt tiown in the first round, and iu the second aite won on a loul. RUNNIKG.

KUtlesaaa te Raa Smith. riTTSECKG. Feb. 28. The challentre of George biuitb, spriuter, to ruu any foot racer lu tbe country too yards for frooi tiooo to f50t0 a Mde, nas been accepted by X.

Kiitieuian. or iiarper, xne principals meet ebortiy to complete the arrangements lor tue race. PUGILISM, nlll van RaslaaSB Fight. San Frakcibco, Feb. 28 The date of the Sullivan Robinson match is fixed for March 6, at Mechanics' Pavilion.

Death Bed Eccentricities of Editor Sinsella. Thomas Klnseila, who edited the Broak lyn and who last week died and was buried, lived a singular lire, some of tue strangest eccentricities of which have not come to light in the papers aereaway. ma plucky fiKbt for recognition; his climb lroui a common "case'' ot the ty pe setter in the office through all the lutoriuadlate positions to that of editor in chief aud man ager au toils nas Deen aweit oti oat his matrimonial and theological versatility tbe local papers have dropped a veil over. Klc sella was an Irishman and a Catholic, as was his first wife, who bore bun live daiigbteis. Ail went well till he fell in with the wife ef a politician aad offloe holder of local celebrity, known as Tom Fields Of her he became deeply enamored, aad alter a short courtship, as it were, divorces were at his Instigation, all I around, and Mr.

Kiuseda an re. Fields ere oly married by Henry Ward Beecber. Fields brought suit against Klnseila for alienating tbe aifeettona of his wife and won the suit, the jury awarding him 930,000. He declared tuat he didn't want the money for himself, but wanted tu deposit it in the name of his eiring spoue. lor her to use whenever her new admirer should desert her.

This he did. and tne kso. WjO has been on intereet ever siaue uil last week. Mr. Kinsella's daughters abandoned him aud fobowed tbe misfortunes of their castor mother, while he and Fieids Klnseila," as she has always been called lu Brooklyn, took a high priced pew in Mr.

Beecher's church, of which tioy became members. This all hsppened some year ao, and Mr. Klnseila was an ardent asp porter of the great Plymouth psstor donug his trials. VTben Mr. Klnseila was brought face to face with death In his last illness, he sent lor Mr.

Beecber, who came and prayed with him and talaed with hiin but it did not eeem to "so to the spot," he said. Tin old menaces of the life to come whloa had been instilled Into him by tbe Catnolic church when a child rose imperatively before him. He was afraid to die, and he adjiUtd iu Ilia latest wife guarded his hauuted bedside, but he Induced some friend to carry a note to a Cath lio priest with whom tto was well acquainted. The priest came, but could not get in. Mrs.

Fields" Kinselia assured him that if she wanted him she would send for him, but that at present his services were superfluous. He retreated reluctantly, was again summoned, and bo rt 1) made, his way to the slok man's bedside. Kiasella warned confession, communion, baptism aud tae rtts of the Catholic church. The caller told him he could not be buried a a Cat holio, except by speedy repentance of his sins, especially the sin of putting away his wile aud mi rylng another. He was iu mortal agony aud mortal fear.

He said he would do aa be was told. Under the urgency ot his spiritual adviser be ceded Mrs. Fields Kiuuella luto tbe room aud formally discarded her, aud ordered hr ta pack up atid leave, aud then Lis inrninr wife was recalit to. hi bedride. The will wss changed.

This is the strange story told. iti nt rall briieved. I suppose it is ctr et. And no tne brat wife, wbo shared with Lim the hardships ot hia early atrug lte, aud hrr daughter, will lnasrtt his teat toeaiiii, aud Mrs. Fields Klnseila bus aJreani it is said, drawn rroui the bsuk toe ioO.uoo obtained from KiortiiA But if tie liao lived 1 obder who would hare been bis wife! Tbey have th son of a duke and the son of sn earl in merchants otlices in London.

Another noble lad owns seven pawn unices, which sive imu a large lueome, and another 1 etr draws profits from tnlrteea public houses. The latest recruit to the ranks of ltiuBce is a blue blooded youth from ttrsvia. This swttlt has staggered ths city by taking an office in the midst of tuetn aiid pos tlng tip a notice fixing his basinass hour on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12 to 1. and niviruc his private aidless st the family paiace In' Beltcravla, whor* letters are to be forwarded. Tt Is on the cards that Arabl will be back in Eirpyt hef ore ths view held by him for tbep improvement of his coun try Delnel jenneai wiuuiwoui m.

uur don. The tatter thoroagbly believes in Arabl. and never conceals hts opinion. He subscribed to the land raised fgr his detente. A salesman in Cbvent Garden market, London, recently advertised for a few pounds ef ripe strawberries, stating that he had a special order and could get 5 per pound, 1 Belying on tcetlntoniaJs written fa vivid slowing lsnsnage ef some nkam.

lone cures made byeome largely pa np doctor or patent medicine ka hastened thoaands te their Ktmvml believing in their almost insane tuti that tbe same miracle will be performed on bem, and tans tnese tesuraoniail make the cores. while the so caluT niedicine is all the tioie hasceni d5p0s2 to ibeir Kiavt s. We nave avoided nnk listing teetiuiouiala, as they do sot make tbe cores, we bare TBOCSANTs TJPOIf TUOUgalTDg of them, of tbe uiost woDxlerfsJ cursa volnntsrily seotos. It is oar inedielns? Hop Bitters, that makes the cures. It baa Dover failed nod never can.

We will riva refrence to any one for nor iiSas sintilar to their swn if desired, ogwiii there is not a neighborhood 10 tbe known world hnt can show its cores by Hop Bitters. A IXMIRO JOXB. A promlnen physician ef Plttsbarr sau to a lady patient who was com pisJaiaTLV her continued Hi health, and i Inability to rare her, loslsglys t. Hop Bitters The lady took ittaseri2 and nsed the Bitters, from which sheaa? tained permanest health. She row at the doctor for bis Joke, bat well pleased with it, as It cos him aroa! patient.

FKES OF DOCTORS. Tbe fee of divctors is an item thai yrJ, njny persona are interested in We believe the so bed ale for visits S3, which woald tag a man eonused te for a rear, and in jneed of a dailv Tisii. over flOOO a year for mediesi tepdsnce alone! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time woald ss rathe $1000 and all the yesra uoknees. A LADT'S WISH. MOb, how I do wish my srin was ss eisat and soft as yours." said a lady to her totted.

Yon csn easily make it so," answered ths. frlf nd. Howf Inquired the first Isdr "By nslng Hop Bitters that makes pari rirb Mxd and hleouiior health. II aidtt for me me ss you observe." GIVEN UP BT THE IHCTOBs. "Is it possible that air.

Qodfrey i np and at work, and oared hy so surbIs a remedy 77:.. I assnre yon it is una that ha is en. 1 ire) cured, and with nothing bat Hop Bitters, and only ten days ago his doe tors save aime np and ssid he msst die, from kidnev and liver troable Je24 '8S 8n2tawAW A SPECIFIC sb vols ions FbU. 4g SickmeUfEL Vitna Danov AlcoJwligmy 0 piom Eatioi Vglj Blood; I Ihp. pepsie Uer.

woasDesa, Ski eadaeh. beamsxisiri. Nervous rreaMes. Brain Worry, JJloot Sore. Biliousness, Cottivenees, Nervous Prostration, Kidney Trouble lrrtg laritUa.

$1 WX. Sample temttmonials. Samaritan JH ervine is doing wo. ider." J. O.

MeLemoiB. Aleur ier City, AIs. "I feel it my duty to recommend ieei nogbiln. Clyde. KAnsss.

"It cured where physicians 1 afled." Bev. J. A. Kilie, Beaver, Pa. OaiTcspondsnce Freely Answered.

Ths Dr. A. RICHMOND Med. Ce, St, Joseph, ts AtDruKKisr. O.

N. Crittentoo. AgenVK.T; LORD. fTOTJTEJf BTJ KOH OO Agaest Oicaro. Ill JmA HoStavi raw How Forests BeaJate Water Flow.

A correspondent of the Cinolnnatt Commercial Gazette ssys: Do the streams no rise hisber and quicker, and go down soossr from tbe same amount of rainfall, and aa der the same conditions of the ground ani weather, than formerly, when the greater part of the country was In forests 1 I think so, from tbe following causes, namely: Tss now vast amount or tile aoder drains, for tne most part laid In the last ten years oss fsrnier in Ptekawsy county, 8. H. Bagglst, has put in fifty miles of it tbe side ditoaea to tiln ost all of the now improved roads srs graded to csrry fl the water quickly; ths many op farm ditches everywhere, sobs them large and miles la length, eat tbrooKh several adjoining farms; the levees along meet of the prinoipal streams partially confine the flood to the channel. TkfrM' combined drains certainly csrry off st much of the rainfall into the mala streami of the vslleys In two sys as found Its way tbronch the many obstructions, 40 or yesrs afro, in four days. At the latter tams, all the lw ground, a wampa and holes having io natural outlet, had to fill to ever flowing before the surplus waters could get into the stresms.

and then the forest grovnd remained saturated for days, until dried by evaporation, or sunk slowly tsts the eatth. On my own little farm, before it was Improved, there wss no outlet tss watershed of about three fourths of a sills square an til the very low bottom sb swamp and pond were filled to flow ever higher ground between it and Darby Creek, bounding the farm. Another canse ef the streams not rialnf so high before the forests were cut dswa, wss the absorption of no little of the rala fall by tbe leaves, branches, roots. Iocs, underbrush, wild grasses and noaieroaa other forest ground vegetation. The forest ground holds water well, and does not 1 rec re in thick woods to half the depth st exposed fields, and Is thawed cat sooner ty tie rains.

A peron Is tbe woods for tss first time, when raisins hard, will be astos lshed to Had bow mnrh of it Is caught by tbe leaves aad branches. He finds it ths next best protection from the rata to umbrella. Borne persons will admit the waters new riee quicker than formerly, but they Berber will say the main stream of tbe valley will rise no higher at its mouth, because toe lower tributaries will run out before tss upper ones come down, tss same as formerly with tse slower rise. If this Is so bat it is doubtful yet the fact remains that treat tbe abo causes much of the heavy isU r.U did not find its way IntotbS nutll they bad pretty much fsllss. snd so did not contribute to the nse at all.

As far as are informed, tradiUoa dost not chow so high a rise or the Scioto asd tu largest tributaries, as some ot those ot tss lsst ten) eats Absolutely Pure. Wholesale hy BMITTI BfcTCS. Se CO MCOaUOT eV" Zla4iia jrswi royal :a.rrt Ji I I ii ii a i 1" 1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

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