Every Time Zone Converter (2024)

September 2 – 7

1:39 pm current local time

1:39 pm your local time

🇺🇸 Pacific Time (US)

5:00 am

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇺🇸 Mountain Time (US)

6:00 am

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇺🇸 Central Time (US)

7:00 am

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇺🇸 Eastern Time (US)

8:00 am

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 7

🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-03 UTC-3

9:00 am

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7


12:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇬🇧 London, United Kingdom

1:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇩🇪 Berlin, Germany

2:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇷🇺 Moscow, Russian Federation

3:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇦🇪 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+04 UTC+4

4:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇮🇳 Mumbai, India
IST UTC+5:30

5:30 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇸🇬 Singapore, Singapore
+08 UTC+8

8:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇨🇳 Beijing, China

8:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇨🇳 China Time, China

8:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇯🇵 Tokyo, Japan

9:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇦🇺 Sydney, Australia

10:00 pm

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

🇳🇿 Auckland, New Zealand

12:00 am

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

Convert timezones and find the best time for your meeting in (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West, (GMT-11:00) American Samoa, (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, (GMT-10:00) Hawaii, (GMT-09:00) Alaska, (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada), (GMT-08:00) Tijuana, (GMT-07:00) Arizona, (GMT-07:00) Mazatlan, (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada), (GMT-06:00) Central America, (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), (GMT-06:00) Chihuahua, (GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, (GMT-06:00) Mexico City, (GMT-06:00) Monterrey, (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan, (GMT-05:00) Bogota, (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East), (GMT-05:00) Lima, (GMT-05:00) Quito, (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), (GMT-04:00) Caracas, (GMT-04:00) Georgetown, (GMT-04:00) La Paz, (GMT-04:00) Puerto Rico, (GMT-04:00) Santiago, (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland, (GMT-03:00) Brasilia, (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, (GMT-03:00) Montevideo, (GMT-02:00) Greenland, (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic, (GMT-01:00) Azores, (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is., (GMT+00:00) Edinburgh, (GMT+00:00) Lisbon, (GMT+00:00) London, (GMT+00:00) Monrovia, (GMT+00:00) UTC, (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, (GMT+01:00) Berlin, (GMT+01:00) Bern, (GMT+01:00) Bratislava, (GMT+01:00) Brussels, (GMT+01:00) Budapest, (GMT+01:00) Casablanca, (GMT+01:00) Copenhagen, (GMT+01:00) Dublin, (GMT+01:00) Ljubljana, (GMT+01:00) Madrid, (GMT+01:00) Paris, (GMT+01:00) Prague, (GMT+01:00) Rome, (GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, (GMT+01:00) Skopje, (GMT+01:00) Stockholm, (GMT+01:00) Vienna, (GMT+01:00) Warsaw, (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa, (GMT+01:00) Zagreb, (GMT+01:00) Zurich, (GMT+02:00) Athens, (GMT+02:00) Bucharest, (GMT+02:00) Cairo, (GMT+02:00) Harare, (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem, (GMT+02:00) Kaliningrad, (GMT+02:00) Kyiv, (GMT+02:00) Pretoria, (GMT+02:00) Riga, (GMT+02:00) Sofia, (GMT+02:00) Tallinn, (GMT+02:00) Vilnius, (GMT+03:00) Baghdad, (GMT+03:00) Istanbul, (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, (GMT+03:00) Minsk, (GMT+03:00) Moscow, (GMT+03:00) Nairobi, (GMT+03:00) Riyadh, (GMT+03:00) St. Petersburg, (GMT+03:00) Volgograd, (GMT+03:30) Tehran, (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, (GMT+04:00) Baku, (GMT+04:00) Muscat, (GMT+04:00) Samara, (GMT+04:00) Tbilisi, (GMT+04:00) Yerevan, (GMT+04:30) Kabul, (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg, (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, (GMT+05:00) Karachi, (GMT+05:00) Tashkent, (GMT+05:30) Chennai, (GMT+05:30) Kolkata, (GMT+05:30) Mumbai, (GMT+05:30) New Delhi, (GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura, (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu, (GMT+06:00) Almaty, (GMT+06:00) Astana, (GMT+06:00) Dhaka, (GMT+06:00) Urumqi, (GMT+06:30) Rangoon, (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, (GMT+07:00) Hanoi, (GMT+07:00) Jakarta, (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk, (GMT+07:00) Novosibirsk, (GMT+08:00) Beijing, (GMT+08:00) Chongqing, (GMT+08:00) Hong Kong, (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, (GMT+08:00) Perth, (GMT+08:00) Singapore, (GMT+08:00) Taipei, (GMT+08:00) Ulaanbaatar, (GMT+09:00) Osaka, (GMT+09:00) Sapporo, (GMT+09:00) Seoul, (GMT+09:00) Tokyo, (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk, (GMT+09:30) Adelaide, (GMT+09:30) Darwin, (GMT+10:00) Brisbane, (GMT+10:00) Canberra, (GMT+10:00) Guam, (GMT+10:00) Hobart, (GMT+10:00) Melbourne, (GMT+10:00) Port Moresby, (GMT+10:00) Sydney, (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok, (GMT+11:00) Magadan, (GMT+11:00) New Caledonia, (GMT+11:00) Solomon Is., (GMT+11:00) Srednekolymsk, (GMT+12:00) Auckland, (GMT+12:00) Fiji, (GMT+12:00) Kamchatka, (GMT+12:00) Marshall Is., (GMT+12:00) Wellington, (GMT+12:45) Chatham Is., (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa, (GMT+13:00) Samoa, and (GMT+13:00) Tokelau Is..

Every Time Zone Converter (2024)


How to solve for time zone? ›

If the degrees between two points are known, then the number of degrees needs to be divided by 15 to get the difference in hours. If John lives at 120 degrees and Bob lives at 80 degrees, the difference is 40 degrees. 40 divided by 15 is just under 3 hours. That means they live two time zones away from each other.

How do you beat time zone change? ›

Suggestions on adjusting to your new time zone include:
  1. Expose yourself to daylight or, if this is not possible, bright light to help 'reset' your body clock. ...
  2. Drink caffeinated drinks in moderation during the day.
  3. Avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks for a few hours prior to sleep at night.

How many time zones are there in America give a reason for your answer? ›

There are actually six time zones in the USA. The four main ones are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Standard Time. The two others are Alaska Standard Time and Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, observed only by Alaska and Hawaii respectively.

What is the easiest way to understand time zones? ›

A time zone is an area on Earth that has a specific time that all citizens can set their clocks to. Different time zones exist as you move from east to west (or west to east) on the surface of the earth. The farther you travel, the more time zones you'll pass through. Time zones are not something that naturally occurs.

Do 30 minute time zones exist? ›

By 1929, the majority of countries had adopted hourly time zones, though some countries such as Iran, India, Myanmar and parts of Australia had time zones with a 30-minute offset. Nepal was the last country to adopt a standard offset, shifting slightly to UTC+05:45 in 1986.

What is UTC time zone converter? ›

This UTC time zone converter is an effective and convenient tool for everyone who needs to know the current time in a certain time zone. This converter can show the time difference between UTC time zone and another selected time zone. It can show the most accurate time now at any selected point on earth.

How many time zones does the USA have? ›

In UTC-8: Pacific Standard Time (PST). It covers the western region of the country: California, Washington, part of Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho. This time zone also covers part of Mexico and Canada. It belongs to one of the four time zones in the contiguous United States.

What time zone never changes? ›

In the U.S., Hawaii and most of Arizona, as well as some territories, do not observe daylight saving time. Australia, Brazil and Canada are similar. For example, in Australia, daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Christmas Island or the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

How do you calculate time zone change? ›

As a general rule of thumb, a change of 15° of longitude should result in a time difference of 1 hour. In the U.S., there are a total of 9 time zones used. Likely the most well-known include Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Time Zones.

What is the biggest time zone difference in the world? ›

You can see that the most extreme time zones are +14 hours at Line Islands (Kiribati), and -12 hours in and around Baker Islands (US). Therefore, the maximum possible difference between times on Earth is 26 hours. That means that at 11:00 PM of a Monday in Baker Island, it is 1:00 AM of a Wednesday in Line Islands.

What state has the most time zones? ›

Alaska • Time zones: Hawaii-Aleutian time and Alaska time • Alaska used to have four time zones. In 1983, however, the government consolidated the time zones to two: Hawaii-Aleutian time, which applies to the westernmost Aleutian Islands, and Alaska time for the rest of the state.

Do all 50 states have 3 time zones? ›

None of the 50 US states have three time zones. However, there are some states with two time zones. These are: Alaska (Alaska and Hawaii-Aleutian)

How do I know which time zone I'm in? ›

Choosing Time Zone

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) is similar to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) but, unlike the latter, does not adjust to account for Daylight Savings Time. You can figure out which time zone you're in by searching Time Zone Map or Time Zone [CITY] UTC.

How can I memorize everything for a long time? ›

If your memory could use a boost, you're in luck.
  1. Use visual association. This memory trick works for two reasons. ...
  2. Utilize the chunking technique. ...
  3. Stick to routines. ...
  4. Use rhymes and songs as memory techniques. ...
  5. Use acronyms. ...
  6. Use memory tricks to remember names. ...
  7. Download an app to help you remember things.
May 26, 2023

How can I memorize insanely fast? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.